Dakota Storm is FREE for a limited time!

The Ebook version of Dakota Storm is FREE for a limited time. I know a lot of us are stuck inside our homes and we’re getting tired of checking on the Coronavirus death numbers and watching press conferences. (Who doesn’t love those Cuomo brothers?) Anyway, I hadn’t planned on making Dakota Storm free until July,…

Dakota Storm – Excerpt Time!

Dakota Storm will be up for pre-order soon! Right now I’m working on the blurb <– slightly nightmarish, but necessary. I thought I’d share the first scene today. This is a New Adult Romance set in a small town. New Adult can best be explained very simply: These characters are right out of college. They’re…

Second-Pass Edits on Dakota Storm

Today I start second-pass edits on the first book in my Dakota Cowboy series, Dakota Storm. Because I’m going ‘indie’ (self-publishing), I knew I would need a rockstar developmental editor, and I found one in Jennifer Herrington. I highly recommend her. She slapped my ass with an eight-page, first-pass editorial letter that had my head…